Researching Life at the Molecular Level

Biophysicists seek to understand the fundamental processes of life by applying the methods of physics and chemistry to biological systems. Understanding these biological systems and their complex processes requires exquisitely detailed knowledge of molecular structures and molecular functions. To investigate life at this most basic level, biophysicists use some of the most powerful tools available-X ray crystallography, optical and laser spectroscopy, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and advanced computational science.

Viewed broadly, the research focus of the Field of Biophysics is to uncover the fundamental physical, molecular, and biological principles that govern all forms of life. Research programs in the Field of Biophysics are often multidisciplinary, aiming to provide quantitative and mechanistic understanding of the fundamental processes common to all cells and organisms. Biophysics research labs can be loosely associated with the following research themes, but bear in mind that many labs can fit more than one of these research themes for their cross-disciplinary research foci and approaches.

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